New bike lane

Igualada took a significant step forward in its commitment to sustainable mobility with the inauguration of a new cycle lane that connects the south of the town with the north, stretching from Plaza Castells to the Les Comes sports complex, covering a total distance of 1.5 km.

The new cycle lane, which links five school facilities, two commercial areas, and a sports complex, is marked out with our A-SKATE-G-BCN cycle lane separator and C-430-TPU-PLUS bollards in red. Both elements are designed and manufactured to offer maximum durability and strength, providing a safe lane for cyclists and skaters.

The Igualada City Council worked closely with Fábregas to meet the demands of cycling associations and to address a need identified in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. In this way, the cycle lane brings the total length of 2.5 km.

The project had a final cost of 739,162.95 euros, with 700.000 euros financed by a grant from the European Union’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR).

Cartel de la inauguración del carril bici

Grand opening

For the inauguration of the new cycle lane, more than 400 people took part in a group bike ride along the new route. Participants gathered at three strategic points, setting off at different times to cover the new stretch, culminating at the Central Park. There, the participants enjoyed a festive atmosphere with live music and a breakfast of coca and chocolate.

At Fábregas, we continue to work every day to provide the best urban mobility solutions, always keeping sustainability in mind. Igualada has taken another step forward in its commitment to promoting sustainable transport, creating safe and accessible spaces for all with the help of our products.

Explore our catalogue to discover a range of cycle lane separators and bollards that can be tailored to the needs of any urban area.

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